Fuquay-Varina Voters to Decide Parks and Recreation Bond Issue in Upcoming November Election
Fuquay-Varina provides opportunities to live, work, and play. That’s why it’s one of the fastest-growing towns in North Carolina and has been rated as one of the best places to live in the country.
Our parks, trails, recreation facilities, and programs significantly contribute to residents’ quality of life, providing recreational opportunities and facilities that enhance social development and community well-being. They are a key component of our community’s new growth and strong roots.
Quality-of-life enhancements are necessary to keep up with the growing demand and are made possible by strategic decision-making and community investments. To keep up with that demand, our goals are to construct new recreation facilities and Town park amenities and make existing facility improvements.
Parks and Recreation Bond Overview
On November 7, 2023, Fuquay-Varina residents will have the opportunity to vote on a Parks and Recreation Bond totaling $60 million. The referendum will ask voters whether they approve of the Town’s use of General Obligation (G.O.) Bond financing to pay for parks and recreation projects.
Potential projects identified in the 2024 Comprehensive Systemwide Master Plan (see article) to be advanced with Bond funding include:
Future recreational park, 70+ acres, location TBD (baseball, softball, soccer, and similar outdoor athletics fields, shelter, restrooms, and other amenities)
Hilltop Needmore Town Park & Preserve improvements and implementation of priorities from the adopted Master Plan (two ballfields, pickleball courts, resurfacing of walking trails, additional parking)
Indoor sports complex for basketball, pickleball, volleyball, and other indoor sports
Greenway, location TBD
Fuquay-Varina Community Center renovation
What is the tax implication?
If the Parks and Recreation Bond is passed, the tax implication for a $60 million bond could impact property tax by an increase of up to 8 cents. The impact on the median family home in Fuquay-Varina ($280,106 as of January 2022) would be $224 per year or $19 per month. Historically, the Fuquay-Varina Town Board has tried to minimize the tax impact by utilizing growth in revenues, grant funding, and staggering projects in phases.
In 2021, citizens passed an $18.5 million Parks & Recreation Bond funding Community Center North at Hilltop Needmore Town Park and Preserve, which will begin construction in fall 2023. Utilizing several strategies, the Town brought the project in at a 3-cent property tax rate increase as opposed to a 4.5-cent property tax rate increase, which was initially discussed as the potential impact of passing the 2021 Bond Referendum.
What happens if the bond doesn’t pass in November?
The Town would need to cap participation in certain youth sports programs to registration that can be supported with the existing facility inventory. Some projects will likely be postponed or eliminated. The Town board may also choose to advance a portion of the identified projects through other funding mechanisms, which could mean projects are built in later years and/or at a higher cost.
Why use bond funding for these projects?
Bonds make capital projects more affordable and put less stress on the Town’s budget. By using bonds to finance the proposed projects, we can pay for them in installments over time rather than needing all the money at the outset. Also, the Town of Fuquay-Varina’s AAA rating lowers the Town’s borrowing costs.
What projects were completed with the Parks & Recreation Bonds voters approved in 2021?
In 2021, citizens passed an $18.5 million Parks & Recreation Bond funding Community Center North at Hilltop Needmore Town Park and Preserve. Construction on this multi-generational facility is scheduled to begin in early fall 2023 and features three gymnasiums, an elevated indoor walking track, multi-purpose classrooms, fitness areas, a teaching kitchen, two racquetball courts, and a dedicated Active Adult wing (ages 55+). Community Center North is expected to open in early 2025.
Election Day is November 7, 2023. You can learn more about the Fuquay-Varina Parks and Recreation Bond Referendum at www.FVBonds.org.
Comprehensive Systemwide Master Plan Adopted
Every 4 to 5 years, the Fuquay-Varina Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Department performs a needs assessment of recreational facilities called a Comprehensive Systemwide Master Plan, which the Town Board adopted in July. As part of that study, the department examines how facilities and programs are used and current growth trends. Using surveys and public outreach, citizens provide input on the recreational opportunities they want to see in Fuquay-Varina. We factor in existing facilities’ maintenance needs and devise a five-year plan.
The purpose of the master plan is to bring current facilities up to a higher standard and to provide new amenities to ensure that Fuquay-Varina can meet the growing demands of the community.
Special consideration for identified projects was made to meet the growth trends of the community. In the past four years, Parks and Recreation has seen significant growth in youth and adult sports, special events, and recreation program participation. Existing facilities are under heavy demand as use has steadily increased each year. For example, youth sports participation has risen 47.6% since 2019. As a result, many Town athletic facilities, fields, and gymnasiums are at maximum capacity.
As our community grows, it is also important to expand our greenway inventory. Public input from the Master Plan Survey identified paths/greenways as a top priority for new construction over the next five years.
In the 2022 Community Survey administered by the Town, residents indicated that the Parks and Recreation Department’s top emphasis over the next two years should be the number of walking, biking, and greenway trails.
The projects outlined in the master plan address these and other trends. Projects include beautification, upgrades to athletic field lighting, parking enhancements, restroom construction, facility repairs, renovations, additional greenway parks, and the design and construction of a sports complex.
The 2024 Comprehensive Systemwide Facility Master Plan lists more than $68 million in projects. To fund the investments, the Town will utilize recreation unit fees; state-funded grants, such as the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund; other grant opportunities; and a bond referendum on the November 7, 2023, ballot. Learn more about the plan at https://www.fuquay-varina.org/270/PRCR-Facility-Master-Plan.
Update on Major Projects Taking Place at the Town
The Town board approved a resolution authorizing the execution of an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) and Construction Management Agreements (CMA) related to the expansion, management, and operation of the City of Sanford Water Filtration Facility (WFF) expansion project. Fuquay-Varina will have an 18.7% ownership in the expanded WFF, which will provide an increased capacity to the Town of 6 million gallons of water per day.
A new public parking lot with 124 spaces is under construction in the Varina Business District and should be complete this fall. The property was donated by Ample Storage, with estimated construction costs to the Town at $671,171. The general contractor is Barbour Brothers Construction.
Operational improvements at the intersection of S. Judd/S. Main should be under construction by this fall, with a contract award to S.T. Wooten in July. Improvements include a dedicated left, thru, and right lane and will take approximately 12 months to complete (substantial improvements are estimated to be completed before then).
Learn more at www.DriveFV.org.